I am Pepper.....

I am Laura Pepper, and this is my Blog about living in San Francisco, and other stuff - daily stuff. I moved here in July 2012. Sometimes, screaming isnt enough. Joyful screaming or just damn out-right 'what the hell?' kind of screaming..

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today I had a very strange chat with someone at the gym....

Gym-Man: Hi, how was your weekend?
Me: Ah, good thanks. I spent Saturday catching up on a few of the Oscar movies ahead of Sunday.
Gym-Man: Whats an Oscar?
Me: (big pause, mouth open)

This was like he had told me he had never heard of cheese. It was quite a strange thought process I went through to try and find an answer. I explained what they were, but he didn't seem to bothered about it.

How on earth does the Oscars pass anyone by? Even if you do not care about them, you know about them right?

Anyway. I am now thinking about cheese. It happens a lot.

OOh and here's a cheeky mouse in the cheese....

I wouldn't want to end up with him on a cracker !!


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