I am Pepper.....

I am Laura Pepper, and this is my Blog about living in San Francisco, and other stuff - daily stuff. I moved here in July 2012. Sometimes, screaming isnt enough. Joyful screaming or just damn out-right 'what the hell?' kind of screaming..

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lol, like, totally.

I hate the over use of 'Lol'.

In fact I hate its use at all. There is absolutely no need for it. Some poor souls even use it by accident meaning 'Lots of Love'. They maybe use it when consoling someone who's had bad news, and that person thinks they are 'Laughing Out Loud'.
Bad Times.

One of the main reasons I hate it is because its lazy. The person using it is lazy. They are not even laughing out loud. In fact its probably quite the opposite. Its reached the point where I actually find it rude. The person might as well say "I have nothing to say because I've paid no attention to what you've just said, so I am going to fill my reply with anything to make me seem interested"

Although, is the over use of the word 'Like' even worse? I cant decide.

Its a tough one because they are both unnecessary, annoying and make me want to SCREAM.

One thing I do know is that I do not use 'Lol' ever. But, the word 'Like' is creeping into my sentences having lived in California for 8 months. I hear people at work use it, and my friends too, and even out walking in downtown today I heard it A LOT.
I am making a conscious effort to not do it. I even stop my sentences mid way to correct myself. Its hard but I am going to irradiate it from my vocabulary.

To get over my anger at this, I googled some things ...they made me laugh......

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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