I am Pepper.....

I am Laura Pepper, and this is my Blog about living in San Francisco, and other stuff - daily stuff. I moved here in July 2012. Sometimes, screaming isnt enough. Joyful screaming or just damn out-right 'what the hell?' kind of screaming..

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday, innit

And its off to Yoga for a 10.30 class. My new years routine slowly falling into place.

90mins of pure bliss with nice mantra's from our teacher. Early in the lesson she tells us to 'clear our monkey minds'. I of course instantly picture monkeys in my head rather than clear it. Its actually a good saying. She was referring the inner chattering we have in our heads even when we are resting. So, I make a conscious effort to stop this chimp like chattering in my head.

there is a lady to my left. She has a big ole perm, and she breathes like a Velociraptor.   JESUS.

She reminded me
of one of these dogs..

but with brown hair.

At the end of the class our teacher quoted during our final relaxation " think of what has gone before, and what will come ahead, and remember its not as big and as amazing as whats inside".
For me, its mostly wind, but I'll go with it.

Time to think happy thoughts from my Yoga mornings mantra....And breathe...

 Peace, out.

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